The planner is an ideal tool for visualizing an overview of a year's events. It more for brainstorming a year's events for a project. The planner is organized in horizontal and vertical cells representing days of the year. You can add events for a single day or events that span over multiple days.
There is a colour key guide that represents the event type. eg: Holidays are coloured in blue and Trade Shows are coloured in yellow. This enables you to quickly identify the type of event when it's shown in the Planner grid.
You can add as many planners as you wish. Each Planner is organized uses the Navigator on the left of the planner grid, in a similar fashion to Documents. You can create folders and sub-folders and have different planners for individual people or you may create planners for making decisions on how to schedule projects.
To view or manipulate the Planner, in doogiePIM, can only be done when in the Planner section.
To Go To The Planner Section
Choose from the Main Menu "File/Go To Section/Planner", or
Click on the Main Section Toolbar icon:
Planner, or
Press the keyboard shortcut: Ctrl+7
See Managing Events for more information on how to add, edit or delete events in a planner.
See Managing Event Types for more information on how to change the Event Type key guide.
See Customizing the Planner View for more information on how to change the layout view of the planner grid.
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